Participants from left to right President of EDR OZ3MC Martin, OZ1XJ Andrew, OZ1JUX
Kim, OZ1ADL Jan, OZ4P Flemming and OZ1ETA Nils Bo

OZ1ETA Nils Bo CW on 40 meters the HQ contest, in the background Flemming OZ4P

Flemming OZ4P 20 meters Phone in the HQ contest

OZ1XJ Andrew repair the cable, while oz4p Flemming look at it

OZ3MC Martin just arrived from Sjaelland where he was openning the EDR's Summercamp,
OZ1ETA explain him how the logprogram works

OZ1ETA Nils Bo is a blind radioamateur, but you should see him in the contest

OZ3MC Martin making some QSO's in this contest, OZ1JUX Kim making some gymnastic
in the background

OZ3MC Martin

OZ3MC Martin in the foreground at the right behind the window OZ1ETA Nils Bo. In
the background from left to right OZ1JUX Kim and OZ1ADL Jan

Time for some food

OZ1ETA Nils Bo

Antennas for 40 meters and in the top the antenna we use for 20 meter

From the left to the right Andrew OZ1XJ, Kim OZ1JUX, Martin OZ3MC, Jan OZ1ADL, Flemming
OZ4P and Nils Bo OZ1ETA

OZ3MC Martin


OZ1ADL Jan and Flemming OZ4P
Jan OZ1ADL log a QSO and are ready for the next and OZ1JUX Kim looks at how it goes

Jan OZ1ADL press the button to send out a new CQ contest call

Flemming OZ4P and Andrew OZ1XJ relaxing Sunday morning

Nils Bo OZ1ETA take a little rest

OZ1ADL Jan turn his head to the photografer

Andrew OZ1XJ

The old coop. Now used as radio room for the contest team OZ5E

The 40 meter CW station

OZ1ETA Nils Bo

Andrew explain Martin where there are places to sleep

Nils Bo OZ1ETA explain Martin OZ3MC how the logprogram works

Nils Bo OZ1ETA and OZ3MC

The antennas Sunday after the contest was over


OZ5E The best radio shack in the whole world

OZ1ETA Nils Bo and OZ1ADL Jan

OZ1ADL Jan and behind him OZ4VW Arne

OZ1XJ Andrew and OZ1ETA Nils Bo
You can find video from this on Youtube
Video part 1
Video part 2
A special thanks to the people at the Usenet group dk.edb.ineternet.webdesign.html for their help.